About Beverly Long

about me

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My favorite thing to take pictures of...

A couple of my friend's have had babies in the last few weeks and luckily, I got to be there to take some pictures. I love the whole birth process (it is what I do for a living) and I have become hooked on catching it on camera. This is the good stuff!

Meet Riley...what a cute little peanut! His mom works with me and I was so glad to be there when he was born. His mom never broke a sweat in labor, played phase 10 while on a large dose of pitocin and laughed the whole time she pushed. Yes, she had an epidural but only in the "nick of time".

Meet Lexi...she came a few hours after Riley. She came into the world quickly and was a whopping 9 lbs! Her nurse did her measurements and said "she is already big chested!" I love the first peek from big brother Zac.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Ugh - I hate you AND your job!! :) What a dream!