About Beverly Long

about me

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Duran Kids...

I am nostalgic as I write this blog. You know on the path of life how you have many small steps? Well, this family is one of my steps. Brooke was the first person to ask me to take her kids pictures. I had been practicing with my camera and she asked me to take some pictures for a Christmas card. I told her that I wanted NO MONEY because I still was just learning this whole camera thing. She has stuck with me ever since. I have come a long way in this year...hopefully, next year will be even better.
Kynlee was the perfect big sister...she is so good at holding a pose while her brother runs around and does his thing. Going downtown with a two year old is a head injury waiting to happen but Brooke really wanted the turquoise door! It was worth it...the pictures turned out great. Thanks again Brooke!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Great Pics!!! Love the one with the blue door!!!