About Beverly Long

about me

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Break is Over!

I MADE myself take a break for the last month. Staring at my computer editing non-stop was taking a toll, so my break was restful and energizing. So what have I been doing?? Well, I have celebrated Christmas, read some books, surfed the internet, played lots of WII, taken care of Scott after his surgery, made some New Year's resolutions and hung out with my friends. Yes, it was greatly needed but now I am back to taking pictures. This little guy was a great first shoot to brush up on the skills.
Sweet Evan came to see me again. He is absolutely adorable and has a smile that makes you melt. Hope you guys like them!


Amanda said...

Bev I LOVE them! So perfect! I can't wait to see the rest of them!

Cindy said...

You rock!! I LOVE them! Thanks for sharing your gift with us.

alicia said...

Those are beautiful! Those eyes!

Anonymous said...

They are the best pics i have ever seen. thankyou so much for such a great job.